Do We Know What They Need?
SHORTFORM | HEALING | HEARTDo We Know What They Need?Praying for the Healing of Others Healing prayer is tricky. We think we know what another needs, but do we? Really, we haven’t got a clue; but...
SHORTFORM | HEALING | HEARTDo We Know What They Need?Praying for the Healing of Others Healing prayer is tricky. We think we know what another needs, but do we? Really, we haven’t got a clue; but...
Mystic Micro-Gospels; small spiritual stories in and around my neighborhood in Southeast CT I'm sitting on the front porch stoop when a friend and neighbor walks by. He sighs deeply. "Mike", I...
Mystic Micro-Gospels; small spiritual stories in and around my neighborhood in Southeast CT The two lines face one another like Napoleon and Wellington drawn up for battle. I've never met my...
Mystic Micro-Gospels; small spiritual stories in and around my neighborhood in Southeast CT As I finish a tidy story about pervasive self-criticism, the Chaplain’s energy seems to sink deeper into...