Haiku: Old Nest-Box Empty


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old nest box empty

after its fruitful season -

algaed and lichened
A watercolor journal entry by Roxanne Steed showing an old birdbox standing in a meadow at the Connecticut Audubon Center in Pomfret, CT. The color palette is mostly greens and yellows for the early fall. The birdbox itself is in full light on one side, blued shade on the other. The margins are filled with notes about the scene. Photo and painting by Roxanne Steed
Roxanne’s watercolor journal entry about the old birdbox | Photo and painting by Roxanne Steed

This haiku moment happened as Roxanne painted and I pondered an old nest box. It sits unoccupied now that Autumn has arrived and its fruitful season has passed, and I wonder if there are any fruitful seasons ahead for it…